OARS Outcome 7
Policy Engagement
Mission Statement of OARS Outcome 7
The OARS 7 working group develops strategies and solutions to enable countries and regions to include measures to reduce ocean acidification (OA) and its impacts in their respective policy and legislation.
Key Principles:
- OA policies should effectively integrate with an enhance climate-ocean mitigation and adaptation strategies.
- OA policy must be suited tot he unique political and legal landscapes of each region and country.
- OA policies should be driven by social science, coastal community needs and priorities, and be supported with robust regional finance.
- OA Alliance: OA Action Plan Toolkit
- Policy guidance for accounting for OA across Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans;
- Policy guidance for incorporating OA across European Marine Strategy Framework Directive;
- Policy Guidance for integrating OA across Sustainable Ocean Plans.
- Commonwealth Blue Charter: Policy Maker’s Handbook for Addressing the Impacts of OA
- The Ocean Foundation: Ocean Acidification Guidebook for Policymakers
- Guidance for implementing Target 8 of the Global Biodiversity Framework: Minimize the Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Build Resilience